Dive Deeper

Creativity vs. COVID is an archive of past projects and a spark for what comes next. This page highlights actions you can take on your own or with others. It’s also a bank of information and conversation starters you can use in classes, workshops, or discussions about creative advocacy and health equity.

Make your own intervention.

Build on what we’ve already made by revising projects in the gallery. Or apply our strategies to come up with something totally new. When you’ve made something awesome, document your work and submit it to be included in our expanding exhibit.


Connect with the collective.

Use #FreeTheVaccine to join the conversation on social media. For weekly updates on our work, sign up for our newsletter.


About Social Change

We can each use our creativity, culture, and knowledge to promote social change.

Conversation Starters

What knowledge, skills, or points of view do you bring to the table?

What’s an example of artistic activism that you find especially striking? Why does it stick with you?



About Creative Advocacy

Specific tools can strengthen creative advocacy, even in an extraordinary time of distancing and political divisions.

Conversation Starters

How do Free the Vaccine’s strategies compare to other activist approaches you’ve seen or used?



About Access to Medicine

Without advocacy and action to make COVID medicine available to all, many people won’t be able to access or afford necessary care.

Conversation Starters

Who paid for your medicine?

How and when can you access medicines, treatments, and vaccines in your country?

Have you faced challenges in acquiring essential medicines or treatments? Do you know someone who has?

Who decides how much your medicine costs?

How does your university license its biomedical research?

