A COVID Infographic

San Francisco


To share the FreeTheVaccine campaign on social media, specifically focusing on having one’s network sign the Open COVID Pledge.

The Project:

Set of infographic images detailing the importance of urging research institutions to open license the COVID vaccine.


Share it on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine

Make a version for your target.

What worked?

I received many inquiries from fellow UCLA students on the campaign, with many of my friends and family members signing on as part of the BINGO game. I also saw reposts of the graphics from strangers on Instagram, broadening our overall outreach efforts.

Other Notes:

From the infographic’s creation date on July 1st to today (July 25th), over 2 million new COVID cases have been reported globally, and almost 250,000 more deaths. Very shocking and further highlights the importance of the pledge and campaign.

    A set of instructions exists on how to make this work
  • Original files can be provided for exhibition


Reflections from Tiffany Chen

About this project
  • Tiffany Chen

July, 2020

Image/graphic, Online/web thing

United States, San Francisco

2160 x 2160 px

Creative Commons BY

Link to Original or High-Res file