The devastation in India could have been avoided had the TRIPS waiver been passed already. We will continue to see destruction and loss of life on a global scale if we do not make it clear to the Biden Administration that they need to support the TRIPS waiver.
Many Representatives throughout the country have come out in support of the TRIPS Waiver. We need Representatives Nanette Barragán and Linda Sanchez to sign on to an important letter circulating among House Democrats in support of the TRIPS waiver. They need to hear that people all over the country want them to support the TRIPS waiver.
Please call both their DC offices and in district offices Monday, May 3, and follow the script below.
Rep. Nanette Barragán
- DC Office: 202-225-8220
- District Office: 310-831-1799
Rep. Linda Sanchez
- DC Office: 202-225-6676
- District Office: 562-860-5050
Leave a voice message if no one picks up
Hi, my name is <NAME>,
I’m calling to urge Representative <CONGRESSPERSON> to sign onto the Schakowsky, Blumenauer and DeLauro letter in support of the TRIPS Waiver.
This waiver is critical in the global fight against the pandemic, and it is important that your boss signs this letter today.
<You will likely be asked for your name and contact information>