You still have a little time (until end of day on Sept 1st!) to join the amazing crew of hundreds of students, designers, advocates and many others around the world who want to help end this darn pandemic through creativity and community. Submit your application now.
Author: Rebecca Bray
We’re Partnering with Arts Corps!

Our friends at Arts Corps, under the leadership of James Miles, will be joining the UAEM and C4AA teams as an official partner organization for this next Season 2 of Free the Vaccine! The onslaught of the COVID-19 virus has shown to disproportionately impacts black and brown students, students whom have already been disregarded by society. The work of Arts Corps is to ignite the power of youth voice and provide them with opportunities to have agency/be part of the solution, and work together to create a better, more equitable place for everyone.
Some of you may know James for his TedXSeattle Talk Why Education Needs Hip Hop and many of you know him for his workshops with UAEM which inspired students to develop these memes, songs, and videos to explain the failures of biomedical R&D systems. (you know how many slides this normally takes?)
James Miles: Why are we here? Community. Bringing people and seeing people together that make the air around you crackle.