To use the filter to generate awareness about Free the Vaccine and its aims. Also, to run this filter in Zoom meetings using SnapCamera (https://snapcamera.snapchat.com/) so that people would ask about the image connected to my head. This sparked many conversations about Free the Vaccine!.
The Project:
This is a Snapchat filter I created that sports the Free the Vaccine Logo as a face-tracking headband.
Use it.
Redesign it.
What worked?
This work generated a lot of questions and a lot of joy!
A set of instructions exists on how to make this work
Reflections from Joseph Amodei
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
It was exciting to use my new media art skills to adapt an activism strategy that evolved from the situation created by the pandemic (i.e. living on Zoom).
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
I would make more filters, create them in all different languages, and publish them across a wider variety of platforms.
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
This type of internet/new media work is easier to get into than one might think! Give it a try!

About this project
April, 2020
Image/graphic, Online/web thing
United States, Brooklyn
Download Original/High-Resolution File: freethevaccine-Snap.gif