The objective of this tactic was to get at least 15 people educated/involved per flyer put up by either scanning the QR code or taking a slip.
The Project:
This flyer uses the template of a Missing Person flyer to draw attention, and then seeks to quickly educate people regarding patents and pharmaceutical corporations. The QR code links to the Free the Vaccine website, and the slips on the bottom are a location-specific number (in this case, a California senator).
Make it specific to your community.
Report the missing vaccine.
What worked?
We are still in the testing phase of putting these flyers up, but will update on how it goes! 🙂
Reflections from Daria Bazzi
What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?
Everything from bolding certain words, adding a shared value statement (“Everyone Deserves a Shot!”), making sure I specified Covid-19 vaccine, changing “Pharmaceutical Companies” to “Pharmaceutical Corporations,” the idea to make slips people could take, and more, all came from others who took the time to give me great feedback!
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
I would love it if people in different locations changed the number on the slips to make it more location-specific, and if they thought a link to another website would be more effective in their community, I would recommend they change the QR code, as well! Also, translation of the text might be in order to get the message across more effectively.

About this project
- Daria Bazzi
- Heloise Widdig
- Carly Besser
- Defne Zuhal Yorgancioglu
- Franziska Gartner
- Rachel Gita Karp
- Shivesh Shourya
March, 2021
Image/graphic, Writing
United States, Los Angeles
2550 x 3300 px
Public Domain
Download Original/High-Resolution File: MissingVaccine_Flyer_v04_BIG-scaled.jpg