Jonas Salk

Free the Vaccine loves Jonas Salk. He’s the researcher who developed a game-changing Polio vaccine in the 1950s and knew that it was preposterous to try to patent it. When asked who owns the patent, he famously replied, “The people… There is no patent… Could you patent the sun?”

See how Free the Vaccine is channeling Jonas Salk today and amplifying his message that vaccine technology belongs to everyone.

A cartoon Jonas Salk

Jonas Salk Around the World
Munster, Germany
March 2021

Jonas Salk's face. Patents Prolong Pandemics.

Jonas Salk Fan Club Sticker
Poughkeepsie, USA
April 2021

Jonas Salk's face appears in the middle of a business card. Text reads: Patents prolong pandemics.

Jonas Salk Fan Club Membership Card
Poughkeepsie, USA
April 2021

A banner with Jonas Salk's face, accompanied by the text, "Jonas Salk Fan Club. Chapter #113 - DC Metro. Patents Prolong Pandemics."

Jonas Salk Fan Club Parade Banner
Poughkeepsie, USA
April 2021