This poster references Tinder by using the word “match,” a flame symbol similar to the Tinder logo, and a pink/orange gradient similar to the Tinder colors.
The objective is to get students to question the role of patents in the pandemic and to ask their university to sign the Open COVID Pledge.
What worked?
People familiar with Tinder were immediately able to get the reference and found it amusing! Hopefully, this means it can effectively catch students’ eyes on a university campus.
Other Notes:
Reflections from Navya Dasari
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
I created a draft, modified it using the feedback of other Free The Vaccine participants, and then submitted it for review by Avram Finkelstein. Using Avram’s feedback, I then revised the poster again. I also added a QR code created by Fiona Davey.
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
If I had unlimited resources, I could imagine having giant posters installed all over university campuses. (We could modify the ask as needed, but continue using the concept of patents and public health/pandemics/coronavirus being a “bad match,” and continue using the pink/orange color scheme and flame symbol.)
User Instructions
Print it and post it.
Share it on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine