Create a compelling image that will be shared and get us into the press, thus creating additional popular pressure to get Joe Biden to sign the TRIPs waiver.
The Project:
A banner for the Care Bear brigade to hold up at the DC event in May of 2021.
Share it on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine
Make your own!
What worked?
I find it hilarious.
Other Notes:
It will be held up by people in Care Bear costumes in front of the White House.
An original object can be provided for exhibition
- Original files can be provided for exhibition
- The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)
Reflections from Steve Lambert
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
Merith had the Care Bear idea. She asked me to help to make the banner. I asked her for a sketch, which helped speed things along. I had to do this quickly, so the outline gave me a starting point.
What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?
I’ve had to turn images into vector art to scale up before. This means smooth lines instead of more jaggedy pixelated look. Someone could do a better job at vectorizing this art, but it will look good enough from 10 feet or so and we got it done. After that I tweaked the colors to match Free the Vaccine for COVID-19’s colors. Then added the text.
What were some of the responses to this work?
Everyone who has seen it smiles.
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
Make some bears and send them to every member of congress!
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
You can print this large scale for cheaper than you’d think. Or re-use elements and make a different kind of sign. Sharing is caring!

About this project
May, 2021
United States, Poughkeepsie
3ft H by 10ft W
Download Original/High-Resolution File: care-bear-banner.pdf

The objective was to tag various places and get the FTV logo/”free the vaccine” concept out there in different ways!
The Project:
This was a stencil design made to be cut out and then spray painted to increase exposure for the Free the Vaccine concept/campaign!
Download the stencil and use it.
What worked?
I thought the simplicity and accessibility of the project was very successful! The most out there material you might need is some spray paint and an xacto knife.
A set of instructions exists on how to make this work
Reflections from Daria Bazzi
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
It was pretty simple! I saw a lot of tags/stenciled graffiti outside, and I’d made a stencil before, so it felt like a simple thing to do. I printed out a large scale version of the FTV logo, traced it onto some Bristol paper (more sturdy paper), and then cut out the shapes with an xacto knife.
What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?
What was cool about this project was that I unfortunately didn’t have the time to go stencil myself at the public art walls we were planning to go to, so I was able to pass this along to one of my squadmates, Carly Besser, who went out into the world and tagged a bunch of walls and took very cool pictures.
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
Make sure to use sturdy paper! Something like draft tape is also super helpful if you’re stenciling the design on walls outside.

About this project
- Daria Bazzi
- Carly Besser
April, 2021
United States, Los Angeles
2000 x 2000 px
Download Original/High-Resolution File: FTV_Stencil-1.pdf, 86e27459edbd3650752bf236b8c38216a04558cf_2_1332x1000.jpeg, IMG_2125.jpg

To popularize the story of Jonas Salk’s sharing his vaccine without a patent and show that another way is possible.
The Project:
This banner was designed for the May 5, 2021 event in Washington D.C. It’s meant to work like the banner that would be used for a group marching in a parade. You can download versions for various regions we have Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 participants. Or modify one to make your own.
Print it.
Join the Jonas Salk Fan Club and make one for your local chapter.
What worked?
It should be a magnet for photographers – hopefully!
Other Notes:
The design is based off the Jonas Salk sticker I made just for fun, kind of on a whim. That’s how it starts sometimes.
Original files can be provided for exhibition
- The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)
Reflections from Steve Lambert
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
Have this printed at a local copy shop/office supply store. You can get it printed on plain paper for pretty cheap. It won’t look *great* but it will look good enough.
Of course, you can also print it on something heavier for a higher cost. And you should if you can!
A lot of these parade banners have yellow fringe at the bottom (do an image search for “parade banner”). That’s, of course, optional but would be a nice touch.

About this project
April, 2021
United States, Poughkeepsie
3ft H by 10ft W
Download Original/High-Resolution File: Jonas-Salk-Banner-NYC.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-Berlin.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-UK.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-LA.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-CA.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-BOSTON.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-DE.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-201.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-PITTSBURGH.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Banner-DC-1.pdf

We would like UBC students to become more educated about the Open COVID Pledge and show their support for UBC signing it.
The Project:
This poster was created to have UBC students be excited to promote the Open COVID Pledge to their university as a way to get them to sign it. A google form is included for the students to express their opinion for UBC administration to hear.
Make it specific to your community.
What worked?
I think that the idea behind this project and how it will be used was successful because it will be very simple for students to use this poster to share their thoughts.
Original files can be provided for exhibition
Reflections from Riya Agrawal
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
First, our team had a brainstorming session on what would be accessible and informative, while also giving UBC students the chance to use their voice for an important issue. Upon coming up with the idea to have a poster with a QR-code for them to post their thoughts, I made an overall template and our team worked to improve it. Finally, I made the google form, with the description created by our team to educate the students about vaccine equity.
What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?
Cathy was very experienced with making posters of this format, so she knew what would look great. Declan and Jacob were able to phrase our wording on the poster and the google form as eloquently as possible
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
An interactive exhibit or art piece that the students could contribute to and share their voice on the Open COVID Pledge would be a very impactful way of getting their university to hear them. This sort of exhibit could be spread to universities all across the world to amplify the message.

About this project
- Riya
- Declan
- Jacob
- Cathy
April, 2021
Image/graphic, Online/web thing
Canada, Toronto
8.5×11 inches
Download Original/High-Resolution File: UBC-Open-COVID-Pledge.pdf

We wanted to create an accessible way to engage with street art and murals to spread the Free the Vaccine message and symbol.
The Project:
We created a stencil and spray painted the Free the Vaccine symbols at the Venice Art Walls in Southern California.
Download the stencil and use it.
What worked?
The stencil is very easy to replicate (and the pdf can be downloaded)!
Original files can be provided for exhibition
- The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)
Reflections from Carly Besser
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
Originally, our squad tried to explore working with a professional muralist to amplify the Free the Vaccine message. After a bit of research, and Franziska’s great advice to use the Venice Art Walls, we realized we could make our own stencil. Daria designed a stencil based off of the Free the Vaccine logo that could easily be replicated by others, and we spray painted away!
What were some of the responses to this work?
Visitors and artists at the Venice Art Walls were curious to know more about the logo design and the “Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 message.” And the artists at the wall were very kind about working around our design and ensuring that they wouldn’t cover it up (at least for the day).
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
If I could build on this idea, I would work with a group of professional muralists to design permanent Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 murals based in various cities across the globe.
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
Have fun with your designs and locations! And wheatpaste is always a great alternative to spray paint.

About this project
- Carly Besser
- Daria Bazzi
- Franziska Gartner
April, 2021
Image/graphic, Installation/Intervention
United States, Los Angeles
24 ” x 12 “
Download Original/High-Resolution File: FTV_Stencil.pdf

Create and get 200 “card carrying members” of the Jonas Salk Fan Club by end of the third season of Free the Vaccine for COVID-19.
The Project:
Membership cards for the Jonas Salk Fan Club. The card says that the cardholder “believes life-saving medications are public goods to be shared with the world, not witheld for corporate gain, and is hereby duly recognized as a registered, lifetime member of the International Jonas Salk Fan Club.”
Join the Jonas Salk Fan Club and get your own card.
Start a membership group for something you care about.
What worked?
There’s a consistency across all the Jonas Salk Fan Club kit that makes it feel like a set.
Other Notes:
I just riffed off the Jonas Salk Fan Club Sticker I made earlier in the week.
A set of instructions exists on how to make this work
- An original object can be provided for exhibition
- Original files can be provided for exhibition
- The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)
Reflections from Steve Lambert
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
You can print business cards very cheaply most places in the world. Don’t hesitate, just have them made and start handing them out. Keep 10 or 20 in your pocket or bag so you can give them away!
The Jonas Salk Fan Club pins are a great way to attract attention and recruit new members!

About this project
April, 2021
United States, Poughkeepsie
2 x 3.5 inches
Download Original/High-Resolution File: Jonas-Salk-Fan-Club-Card.ai_-1.zip

By sending out the mentioned memes as a postcard, we wanted to encourage politicians (mostly MEPs), already smpathizing with the idea of supporting the TRIPS-Waiver, in a positive kind of way to post more about their support and hence increase public pressure.
The Project:
In our squad we created funny memes, ironically describing current (european) patent policy or politicians behaviour, whilst pointing out more equitable and efficient solutions that help end the pandemic sooner, for example supporting the TRIPS-Waiver. These were then sent out to MEPs/politicians with an attached letter, to make them state publically their support for TRIPs-Waiver.
Share them on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine
Make one!
What worked?
The memes were reposted by some NGOs and we also got some positive feedback from a few MEPs. In addition, it helped us a lot to try out Craftivism and using positive vibes to criticize.
Reflections from Elise Potthoff
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
The idea was created during the time when the container ship “Ever Given” was stuck in the Suez Channel and social media was flooded with memes about it. Therefore we also created one meme with this background.
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
Flood every politician with a postcard specifically adapted to her/his statements on the TRIPS-topic with a picture of him/her as base of the meme. Also the memes could be printed out largely as big posters to be hung up in public area.
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
It would be also good to try targetting MEPs from the “other side”, not convinced of the TRIPS-Waiver yet. Of course, different texts on the memes could be helpful and also a different letter attached to it. But the procedure could be the same.

About this project
- Samira Shair
- Ludovico Caminati
- Kathi Wolfenstetter
- Maanasa Gurram
- Hannah Dawson
- Max Wielenga
- Alessia Gonfroid
- Julia Billian
- Johanna Twittenhoff
- Owen Lukins
- Sophie Tragert
- Elise Potthoff
April, 2021
Image/graphic, Online/web thing, Print, Writing
Germany, Munster
148mm x 105mm

To popularize the story of Jonas Salk’s sharing his vaccine without a patent and show that another way is possible.
The Project:
Designed to be part of a set of fun materials for people who join The Jonas Salk Fan Club.
Print it and stick it.
Join the fan club.
What worked?
The stickers are the perfect size, easy to distribute via the mail, and relatively inexpensive to produce.
Other Notes:
The “Patents Prolong Pandemics” phrase was
Original files can be provided for exhibition
- The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)
Reflections from Steve Lambert
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
The “Profits Prolong Pandemics” phrase came from a tweet that fellow Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 participant, Anmol Gupta wrote and it has stuck with me. I try to incorporate it into other messages where it fits because it captures so much in 3 words.
The Jonas Salk Fan Club came from an AIDS 2018 campaign with Treatment Action Group and the Center for Artistic Activism and it deserves to have more of a life.
The sticker itself, well a vision popped into my head. The cut out head has this friendly and fun look from old music promotion posters of the late 50’s – which evokes the same era as the polio vaccine announcement. We wanted to make some additional materials to fit in the Jonas Salk Fan Club pack and I thought of a sticker. One of the places I order stickers from was having a sale and that’s always a good prompt to make something.
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
More fan club materials! Bumper stickers, membership cards (I may work on this one), posters, maybe starting chapters at universities as like a fun, social club with some shared values – so not quite UAEM, but a gateway to it.
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
Just start messing around with design ideas. It usually takes me between 10 and 40 drafts to get to something I like. I try different things, colors, sizes, etc. I included some of those drafts as an image to give an idea of how it works, but it doesn’t reflect the whole process because I forget to keep drafts that are just not working at all.

About this project
April, 2021
United States, Poughkeepsie
3 inch circle
Download Original/High-Resolution File: Jonas-Salk-Fan-Club-sticker.pdf, Jonas-Salk-Fan-Club-Sticker.ai_.zip, Salk-head.psd.zip, Salk-original-photo.jpg

The objective of this tactic was to get at least 15 people educated/involved per flyer put up by either scanning the QR code or taking a slip.
The Project:
This flyer uses the template of a Missing Person flyer to draw attention, and then seeks to quickly educate people regarding patents and pharmaceutical corporations. The QR code links to the Free the Vaccine website, and the slips on the bottom are a location-specific number (in this case, a California senator).
Make it specific to your community.
Report the missing vaccine.
What worked?
We are still in the testing phase of putting these flyers up, but will update on how it goes! 🙂
Reflections from Daria Bazzi
What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?
Everything from bolding certain words, adding a shared value statement (“Everyone Deserves a Shot!”), making sure I specified Covid-19 vaccine, changing “Pharmaceutical Companies” to “Pharmaceutical Corporations,” the idea to make slips people could take, and more, all came from others who took the time to give me great feedback!
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
I would love it if people in different locations changed the number on the slips to make it more location-specific, and if they thought a link to another website would be more effective in their community, I would recommend they change the QR code, as well! Also, translation of the text might be in order to get the message across more effectively.

About this project
- Daria Bazzi
- Heloise Widdig
- Carly Besser
- Defne Zuhal Yorgancioglu
- Franziska Gartner
- Rachel Gita Karp
- Shivesh Shourya
March, 2021
United States, Los Angeles
2550 x 3300 px
Download Original/High-Resolution File: MissingVaccine_Flyer_v04_BIG.jpg

This series of GIFS aims to tell his story, bring it to (animated and digital) life and bring the gigantic legacy of vaccine titan Jonas Salk into the current debate
The Project:
Jonas Salk is a hero of vaccine development. He helped bring the polio vaccine to live. When he was asked about who should own the patent on this discovery, he answered “Well the people I would say – Could you patent the sun”.
This series of GIFS aims to tell his story, bring it to (animated and digital) life and bring the gigantic legacy of vaccine titan Jonas Salk into the current debate
Share it on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine
Make your own!
What worked?
Just how amazingly Jonas Salk’s portraits are GIFable. Very successful winks etc.
An original object can be provided for exhibition
- Original files can be provided for exhibition
Reflections from Peter GIFy
What was the process/journey of creating this work?
Extensive search for GIF making software, finding images of Jonas Salk, being creative.
What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?
Very contemporay knowledge on GIF making browser software
What were some of the responses to this work?
Likes and retweets.
What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?
Buying aire time on billboards at NYC times square,
striking a deal with JCDecaux to display these GIFS as digital posters on all bus stations across the world.
If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?
Try different texts, be more provocative, maybe consider TikTok or (oldschool) a flipbook?

About this project
- Peter GIFy
March, 2021
Germany, Berlin
Download Original/High-Resolution File: salk_squint_text.gif, sad_text_2.gif, 6326404A-8416-11EB-B757-16F91FFA6CF3.gif, photos.gif, 05901904-8413-11EB-A066-1635AF64B68B.gif, 91351398-8412-11EB-8305-0E2C7966F80F.gif