The Virus Will Use the Minutes We Lose!


Get Moderna to share its vaccine-production knowledge with the World Health Organization.

The Project:

A poster about the American duty to help ramp up global vaccine production. It stresses the importance of sharing with the World Health Organization taxpayer-funded knowledge about how to make vaccines. It’s inspired by a WWII-era poster by Andrew Wyeth.


Print it and post it.

Customize the call to action.

What worked?

It is visually striking!

Other Notes:

It’s hard to pick just one location associated with this piece – it was a collaboration among people based in LA, Pittsburgh/Buffalo, Indianapolis, Maryland, Delaware/Philadelphia, and Boston.

    An original object can be provided for exhibition
  • The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)


Reflections from Daria Bazzi

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

Upon being sent the original image and idea by Laura, I used photoshop to edit the image into a version that communicated what we were trying to express, and made different versions from there based on feedback from the team. Afterwards we set up a google doc for people to use as a resource if wanting to use the image in various formats.

What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?

Art history, design, messaging, different audience perspectives.

What were some of the responses to this work?

Some found it really cool and clever, others were a bit confused by the dated look.

What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?

Maybe a more thorough photoshopping/re-illustrating of the original image to bring home the message even more, perhaps put it on a billboard or in Times Square or something, animate it a bit.

If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?

Please feel free to build upon it! We provided editable versions of all assets for people to use as they please, I’m sure there are other creative ways and formats to pair with this concept.

About this project
  • Daria Bazzi
  • Laura Holzman
  • Kisha Patterson
  • Vandhana Reddy
  • Maanasa Gurram
  • Jaya M.
  • Parthu K.

December, 2021

Image/graphic, Online/web thing, Print

United States, Los Angeles

36 x 24 inches, variable

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Link to Original or High-Res file

“We’re Better Together” Stickers


The European Citizen’s Initiative calls on the European Commission to make anti-pandemic vaccines and treatments a global public good, freely accessible to everyone. As the initiative needs 1 million signatures to be brought to the European Commission, it is important to appeal to the general public and get as many people to sign on as possible. We wanted to create a simple, but engaging sticker that would catch people’s attention in public spaces to persuade them to sign onto the petition.

The Project:

Our stickers follow the principle of Valentine’s Day cards, they show two vaccines that want to be together and provide a QR code to get them closer. The QR code redirects to the website of the Right2Cure European Citizen’s Initiative. We distributed these stickers all around European cities to get people to sign the petition.


Print it and stick it.

Make it specific to your community.

What worked?

The stickers are very cute and follow the color scheme of the Free the Vaccine campaign – that can help to get people’s attention.

    Original files can be provided for exhibition

Reflections from Katharina Wolfenstetter

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

The idea started out when were brainstorming impossible ideas. Someone said that we should force politicians to have hearts. That evolved into sending them hearts. That then evolved into sending them some kind of Valentine’s Day card. But as we wanted to reach as many people as possible to sign onto the petition, we decided to go with stickers that follow the idea of a Valentine’s Day card, which could be distributed all around cities with the QR code of the petition on there.

What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?

Plaster every city in Europe with our stickers and hand them out to students for free – because students always like free stickers, especially when they are cute! 🙂

About this project
  • Katharina Wolfenstetter
  • Ludovico Caminati
  • Johanna Twittenhoff
  • Alessia Gonfroid
  • Julia Billian
  • Sophie Tragert
  • Max Wielenga
  • Elise Potthoff
  • Samira Shair
  • Maanasa Gurram

April, 2021

Image/graphic, Print

Germany, Munich

1098 × 1217 pixels

Creative Commons BY-NC

Link to Original or High-Res file

Jonas Salk Fan Club Membership Card


Create and get 200 “card carrying members” of the Jonas Salk Fan Club by end of the third season of Free the Vaccine for COVID-19.

The Project:

Membership cards for the Jonas Salk Fan Club. The card says that the cardholder “believes life-saving medications are public goods to be shared with the world, not witheld for corporate gain, and is hereby duly recognized as a registered, lifetime member of the International Jonas Salk Fan Club.”


Join the Jonas Salk Fan Club and get your own card.

Start a membership group for something you care about.

What worked?

There’s a consistency across all the Jonas Salk Fan Club kit that makes it feel like a set.

Other Notes:

I just riffed off the Jonas Salk Fan Club Sticker I made earlier in the week.

    A set of instructions exists on how to make this work
  • An original object can be provided for exhibition
  • Original files can be provided for exhibition
  • The work can be reproduced on site with instructions (provided)


Reflections from Steve Lambert

If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?

You can print business cards very cheaply most places in the world. Don’t hesitate, just have them made and start handing them out. Keep 10 or 20 in your pocket or bag so you can give them away!

The Jonas Salk Fan Club pins are a great way to attract attention and recruit new members!

About this project

April, 2021

Image/graphic, Print

United States, Poughkeepsie

2 x 3.5 inches

Public Domain

Download Original/High-Resolution File:

MemePostcards to politicians


By sending out the mentioned memes as a postcard, we wanted to encourage politicians (mostly MEPs), already smpathizing with the idea of supporting the TRIPS-Waiver, in a positive kind of way to post more about their support and hence increase public pressure.

The Project:

In our squad we created funny memes, ironically describing current (european) patent policy or politicians behaviour, whilst pointing out more equitable and efficient solutions that help end the pandemic sooner, for example supporting the TRIPS-Waiver. These were then sent out to MEPs/politicians with an attached letter, to make them state publically their support for TRIPs-Waiver.


Share them on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine

Make one!

What worked?

The memes were reposted by some NGOs and we also got some positive feedback from a few MEPs. In addition, it helped us a lot to try out Craftivism and using positive vibes to criticize.

Reflections from Elise Potthoff

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

The idea was created during the time when the container ship “Ever Given” was stuck in the Suez Channel and social media was flooded with memes about it. Therefore we also created one meme with this background.

What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?

Flood every politician with a postcard specifically adapted to her/his statements on the TRIPS-topic with a picture of him/her as base of the meme. Also the memes could be printed out largely as big posters to be hung up in public area.

If someone else were going to make/use/do something like this, what advice would you give them?

It would be also good to try targetting MEPs from the “other side”, not convinced of the TRIPS-Waiver yet. Of course, different texts on the memes could be helpful and also a different letter attached to it. But the procedure could be the same.

About this project
  • Samira Shair
  • Ludovico Caminati
  • Kathi Wolfenstetter
  • Maanasa Gurram
  • Hannah Dawson
  • Max Wielenga
  • Alessia Gonfroid
  • Julia Billian
  • Johanna Twittenhoff
  • Owen Lukins
  • Sophie Tragert
  • Elise Potthoff

April, 2021

Image/graphic, Online/web thing, Print, Writing

Germany, Munster

148mm x 105mm

Public Domain

Jonas Salk Around The World


With this Jonas Salk sketch we would like to encourage you and as many other people as possible to print out the sketch and take a picture of Jonas Salk in front of a landmark, a place special to you or a beautiful place in your surroundings. Much like the extremely successful Flat Stanley project more than 25 years ago. By spreading the word on social media, you can encourage others to do the same, help carry on Salk’s legacy, and remind people of a role model who prioritized people’s well-being over profit.

The Project:

We have depicted Jonas Salk in his role as a role model in vaccine development and distribution in a cartoon-like drawing. This eye-catching and charming design is intended to help spread Salk’s scientific and philosophical spirit and create a distinctive recognition value.


Make your own Flat Salk and help him visit your favorite places.

Share it on social media #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine

What worked?

All the wonderfully kind and human values of Jonas Salk can be perfectly reflected in a cartoon-like style.

Other Notes:

1) Print the sketch
2) Glue it on cardboard or thicker paper
3) Cut out the outline of Jonas Salk
4) Take a picture with the cutout in front of a landmark, a place important to you, or a beautiful place in your neighborhood
5) Share the photo on social media and get more people to do the same

    A set of instructions exists on how to make this work
  • An original object can be provided for exhibition


Reflections from Calvin Dunker

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

Since other drawings in this cartoon-like style had already been created by unrelated projects, all that was needed was an agreement on the elements that would appear. The many iconic images of Salk as a scientist during the successful approval of the vaccine served as a rough template.

What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?

Mareike Bielok was responsible for the drawing and the underlying cartoon-like style. Calvin Dunker prepared the rough concept and the elements to be displayed.

What were some of the responses to this work?

Very positive feedback and already first photos in front of landmarks.

What would be your next steps, building on this idea, if you had a million dollars and all the time and skills in the world?

Produce an animation series with cartoon Jonas Salk traveling around the world. Organize airplane banners covering all the beaches in the world. Pay very famous people who can’t be convinced by the message behind the image to share pictures of themselves, the Jonas Salk cutout and famous landmarks on their social media channels.

About this project
  • Calvin Dunker
  • Mareike Bielok

March, 2021

Image/graphic, Print

Germany, Munster

3024 x 4032 pixels

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Download Original/High-Resolution File: Salk-.png, Salk-Outline.png

Cometa Free The Vaccine


Dar a conocer la campaña y demostrar cuan alto puedo llegar

The Project:

Es un acto simbólico hecho de manera creativa con materiales reciclables.


Make one!

What worked?

Dar a conocerlo,

About this project
  • Maria Fernanda Figueredo Sierra

November, 2020

Installation/Intervention, Print

Colombia, Villavicencio


Public Domain

Download Original/High-Resolution File: 20201124_120148.jpg

    Original files can be provided for exhibition

Reflections from Maria Fernanda

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

Conseguir los materiales para su creación e idear la manera enla que quedara mejor

Thank You Card


We wanted to make our targets aware of the Free the Vaccine campaign and the Open COVID Pledge. We invited them for a conversation with us.

The Project:

The Thank You Cards were sent out to researchers as an appreciation of their work and efforts in investigating COVID-19. The Free the Vaccine campaign and the Open COVID Pledge was then introduced with a text tailored towards the recipient.


Print it and send it!

What worked?

The Thank You Cards highlight the important work that the researchers have been doing, thanking them for their efforts without pressuring them.

About this project
  • Simbie Yau
  • Heloise Widdig
  • Magali Heijkoop
  • Defne Zuhal Yorgancioglu
  • Katharina Wolfenstetter

November, 2020

Image/graphic, Print, Writing

Hungary, Budapest

1890 × 2522 pixels

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Download Original/High-Resolution File: Thank-You-Card-1.jpg

    Original files can be provided for exhibition

Reflections from Katharina Wolfenstetter

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

We wanted to find a way to contact our targets that wasn’t just an email.

Kasia told us about her lab’s action from season 1, where they identified “Covid research champions” and sent letters to thank them for their work and bring their attention to the Open Covid Pledge. We decided this would be a great way to contact our targets.

We discussed the fact that people love to get compliments and positive feedback about their work and how this would be the best way to our targets into a conversation. Starting a conversation on a negative note is likely not to be effective.

We decided to design a Thank You card with a bright and snappy message on the front and a simple, tailored letter on the other. In the tailored letter we referred to their specific work, achievement, and institution.

What skills or perspectives did the collaborators bring to this?

Simbie worked on the artistic input and brought together the amazing layout. The other collaborators worked on the targeting of specific researchers.

Protect everyone we can for everyone we couldn’t


Find a visually compelling way to share a powerful message that other Free the Vaccine participants wrote. The text was initially drafted to motivate Columbia University to sign the Open Covid Pledge but we realized that it could also help a broader audience recognize the importance of making Covid tests, treatments, and vaccines as widely accessible as possible.

The Project:

Printmakers working with the Center for Artistic Activism designed this poster based on text that other Free the Vaccine members wrote in summer 2020.


Print it and post it.

Design it differently.

Share it on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine

What worked?

Building on someone else’s ideas instead of starting from scratch – it’s a great example of Free the Vaccine’s iterative process.

Other Notes:

There are four variations in this series of Risograph prints. Each version was printed in an edition of 50 at Eureka! House in Kingston, NY. They were created to travel with the physical version of this exhibit.

    An original object can be provided for exhibition

Reflections from Free the Vaccine for Covid-19

About this project
  • Willa Goettling
  • Mary Tremonte

November, 2020


United States, Poughkeepsie

11 x 17 inches

Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Free the Vaccine Square Graphics


To make content to share the campaigns message.

The Project:

A series of square graphics for social media or print.


Print it and post it.

Share it on social media. #FreeTheVaccine #PeoplesVaccine

What worked?

They were shared often, as well as printed and wheatpasted in public spaces.

About this project

July, 2020

Image/graphic, Online/web thing, Print

United States, Seattle

1500 x 1500 px

Public Domain

Link to Original or High-Res file

Other Notes:

  • Original files can be provided for exhibition

Reflections from Eric Olson

Stick Me.


The Stick Me. sticker is for people to stick on each other, like playing tag. If stuck with a sticker, they have to come to the table to find out why. Once someone is ‘stuck’ and find out about signing on to the Open Covid Pledge as an individual they will ideally sign it, get a sticker that says ‘I stuck it to _______’ and fill in the blank and add to a poster to visually represent those that have signed the Open Covid Pledge. The last step is a selfie prop where they can fill the university or org they stuck it to and share on social media and tag the university and others to encourage them to sign on. They can take some ‘stick me for free’ stickers to put around different places to encourage people to go to the website and see what it’s all about.


This could be for a physical action, a series of stickers and posters that encourage people to interact with each other. Great for a tabling event.

About this project
  • Stacy Early

July, 2020

Image/graphic, Installation/Intervention, Print

United States, Memphis


Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

Download Original/High-Resolution File:

What worked?

Ideally the success of this would be people having fun, being included, and feeling like they have the power to make a difference by signing the pledge.

Other Notes:

This work had input from the Free the Vaccine for COVID-19 group in general, and C4AA for their inspirational how to get people to act videos!

Reflections from Stacy Early

What was the process/journey of creating this work?

This one took me a little bit to get to. I had tried another interactive piece, but was a bit too involved. After stepping back, watching the C4AA videos, this just kind of came to me. Being able to bounce ideas off others in the group helped, hearing what was needed and wanted allowed me to think more creatively, I wasn’t thinking about this just for me.

Interpretive Statement

User Instructions

Print it and use it! 

Make a version for social media.